
profile pic
I have a background in Object Oriented software development with at least two years of practice. I have also delved into web development on my own initiative and have audited Udacity's Android Basics course series to enhance my skills. I have a strong background in economics and mathematics. I hold a technical degree in electronics & computing systems, installations, networks & telecommunications. I also have working experience in direct marketing, business development aspects.
I look for innovative startups. Few of my focus areas is blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and other. This is not an exhaustive list or a selection criteria list. It is meant to highlight my interests.
I currently run a "Startups Program" where I provide fundraising and optionally other business development services to startups in various stages. Therefore, I am accustomed and aware of many of the aspects (co)founders should take into account. If you are interested in my acceleration programme, please sign up free of charge @ https://www.startupfounders.club/.

Spyros's Startups